Forecasting the federal election

The Liberal Party is battered and bruised. Labor is smirking in anticipation of a possible federal election victory. The Greens are gaining ground and the independents are hot on their heels.

These are the main players in what will quite possibly be the biggest event on the 2019 national calendar – the federal election.

During 2018, throughout various Friday Flash Polls, we asked about topics that would sway your vote. For instance, we wondered whether climate policy would influence your vote – you said yes. You also told us that the Liberal Party’s sinking reputation would probably affect your decision come election time, and that reducing the pension poverty gap, creating a decent aged care system and solving Australia’s energy cost crisis will all factor into how you’ll vote.

Today, we’re asking you for your 2019 federal election predictions. It may be a while away but letting your party know now how you’ll vote may influence policymaking in the leadup to the election.

Let’s send a message to our politicians now and see how they respond!


And, as always, we’d love to read your comments below.

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