Podcast: Are you an aged care denier?

Aged care planning is crucial, yet many people are unsure about how to go about it due to its complexity. Others prefer to ignore that stage of life.

On today’s podcast, we chat to Bill Savellis, an award-winning financial adviser from Ocean Grove Financial Advice. He is passionate about the aged care system, not just through professional experience but also after having navigated the system for both parents.

He tells why planning is vital. I hope you find this podcast interview interesting and informative.

John Deeks
John Deekshttps://www.johndeeks.com.au/
Along with being the host of the YourLifeChoices podcast, John is a highly experienced, versatile and well regarded media professional. His talents are well recognised by leading media and event organisations.


  1. I have no interest in aged care, the idea of living a few years in some crummy aged care facility with a bunch of old fogies with dementia is appalling. Given that VAD in most States is too limited, I’ll get on a plane to Switzerland and exit.

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