Podcast: Expert’s guide to building mental resilience

We hear much about resilience, meditation, enlightenment and the like, but what does it all mean? It seems that everyone has the solution to a better you.

Today we’re going to cut through the mystery and speak to Luke McLeod, founder of mindful life app Soul Alive and author of the book, Everyday Enlightenment.

He has spent a long time in high-stress situations in the armed forces and is dedicating his life to promoting practical pathways to cope with life issues. I believe you’ll get a lot from today’s podcast.

Brad Lockyer
Brad Lockyerhttps://www.yourlifechoices.com.au/author/bradlockyer/
Brad has deep knowledge of retirement income, including Age Pension and other government entitlements, as well as health, money and lifestyle issues facing older Australians. Keen interests in current affairs, politics, sport and entertainment. Digital media professional with more than 10 years experience in the industry.
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