The new year offers new opportunities and, undoubtedly, fresh challenges. Today’s December issue of the Retirement Affordability Index™, is a ‘survival guide’ that aims to help you – in the words of a very well-known movement – be prepared.
Sponsored by Challenger, it looks at the anticipated pressure points in 2019 for each of the retirement tribes – the Affluent, Constrained and Cash-Strapped Couples and Singles. Forewarned is forearmed.
It also identifies the areas of opportunity where you can save – or make money. Whatever happens in this federal election year, we’ve got you covered. In this essential guide for all older Australians:
• financial adviser Emmett Wilkinson explains the myths, risks and straight-out untruths about retirement
• the Australia Institute senior economist Matt Grudnoff reveals where your money went in 2018 and the areas of expenditure under pressure in 2019
• we share the outlook for each of the retirement tribes in 2019, as analysed by AMP chief economist Shane Oliver, Per Capita’s Myfan Jordan and Benevolent Society campaigner Joel Pringle
• we explain how you can stretch the spending power of your household
• we outline 10 creative ways to make extra cash without leaving home
• we update all weekly, monthly and annual costs in key categories of expenditure for the six retirement tribes in the June quarter, and supply a budget planner to help you keep track of your household costs
• and, finally, we keep you up-to-date on the latest government changes that may have a big effect on your retirement income.
So get settled, grab a cup of tea or coffee and allow us to help get your 2019 off to a flying start. It’s ready for you now in ebook format or to download in PDF format.