Best 5G home internet plans

5G home internet brings high-speed broadband into your home using, you’ve guessed it, the 5G mobile network. No need for complicated modems and cords, just plug in your 5G internet base station and away you go.

The National Broadband Network (NBN) isn’t the only way to access the internet at home. It’s also possible to power all your home internet needs wireless through the 5G mobile network.

That’s right, the same network your phone operates on is also capable of delivering home internet speeds of up to 500Mbps and can handle multiple devices connecting at once.

Rather than using underground cables to transmit data, 5G home internet uses the wireless mobile network to get you online.

Why choose 5G home internet?

5G home internet is much easier to set up and operate than a traditional NBN connection. Some find it difficult messing around with modems, cables and NBN boxes, 5G home internet is a great plug-and-play option for those who aren’t so confident with tech.

Simply plug in your 5G home internet base station – usually supplied by your internet provider, but can be purchased separately – turn it on and wait for your devices to pick up the signal.

This also means your internet service can move with you when you move house, without the hassle of disconnecting and reconnecting.

5G home internet can offer faster speeds at a lower price. While capped speed 5G plans are comparable to their NBN counterparts, the big difference comes with 5G plans with uncapped speeds.

Uncapped speed 5G plans are usually a little bit cheaper than NBN250 plans, which offer max download speeds of 250Mbps. But since the 5G plan is uncapped, it can (and most likely will) reach speeds greater than 250Mbps, for a lower price.

Like mobile service providers, there are only three telcos running their own 5G networks in Australia – Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. All three offer their own 5G home internet options, but you can find cheaper deals with alternate providers using the same networks.

Check out some of the best 5G home internet deals from our friends at WhistleOut.

50Mbps 5G home internet

100 Mbps 5G home internet

Uncapped 5G home internet

Do you have 5G home internet? Did you know it was an option? Let us know in the comments section below.

Also read: Bring your own phone for these cheap SIM-only plans

Brad Lockyer
Brad Lockyer
Brad has deep knowledge of retirement income, including Age Pension and other government entitlements, as well as health, money and lifestyle issues facing older Australians. Keen interests in current affairs, politics, sport and entertainment. Digital media professional with more than 10 years experience in the industry.


  1. When it works it’s great and when it goes slow due to overloading it’s terrible. Just like mobile phone calls that dropout the same can happen with your net connection.

    Nothing beats a hardwired connection, always works full speed 24/7 at 270 mbps.


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