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Remote access scam losses growing, ACCC says 

Remote access scams are on the rise

Older Australians are being warned to be wary of anyone requesting remote access to their computer, after a spate of fake IT helpdesk scams.

Losses to these types of scams have been growing recently. Last year, Aussies lost a reported $15.5 million to remote access scams, and losses in the first quarter of 2024 have increased 52 per cent over the previous quarter.

The alarming increase is in stark contrast to other types of scams that have decreased in 2024, according to figures from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) National Anti-Scam Centre.

The average loss per victim of remote access scams is $17,943 in Q1 2024 – a 57 per cent increase on the previous quarter, and it’s people aged 65 and over who are suffering the greatest losses.

How do remote access scams work?

Catriona Lowe, deputy chair of the ACCC, says scammers are approaching victims through emails, online messages and phone calls purporting to be from reputable tech companies.

They convince their unsuspecting prey that there is an issue with their computer or account and that they need to access the victim’s computer remotely.

Once the scammer has control, they can gain access to bank accounts.

“We are very concerned scammers are draining entire bank accounts, with average losses to remote access scams now in the tens of thousands,” she says.

“Financial criminals use sophisticated emails, web-based pop-up messages and phone calls to impersonate well-known companies such as Microsoft to deceive people into thinking there is a problem with their account, computer or phone that needs fixing.

“The scammer will sound professional and offer to help resolve the problem, by instructing the victim to download well-known screen sharing software such as AnyDesk, Zoho or Teamviewer. Unfortunately, by doing so, the scammer can gain access to their bank accounts.

“Never download software or apps if directed to by someone over the phone and never share banking information, passwords or two-factor identification codes.”

How can I avoid remote access scams?

The ACCC says one of the best ways to avoid these scams is to slow down. If you receive a message instructing you to do something, don’t just blindly follow it.

Legitimate businesses will not request your passwords or want you to download an external app, even if the app itself is legitimate.

Likewise, they will not request banking information or two-factor identification codes over phone or email.

With any request, stop to ask yourself if you are sure you know who you are communicating with? If there is any doubt, don’t follow their instructions and contact the business directly yourself to confirm.

If you do notice something seems amiss, don’t wait to act, do it right away. Contact your bank immediately to cancel cards or any money transfers you may have initiated.

If you spot something that looks suspicious, the ACCC says you should report it immediately to its scam reporting service Scamwatch.

Have you encountered this remote access scam before? Do you think you could spot it if you did? Let us know in the comments section below.

Also read: Centrelink warns of ‘bonus payment’ Age Pension scam

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