Facebook cheat sheet

Facebook is a great site on which to waste some time, so why not fritter your time more efficiently with our Facebook cheat sheet?

Note: for the shortcuts that require an Alt key, if you’re using Firefox you’ll need to use Shift+Alt instead of just Alt, and for Internet Explorer you’ll need to hit the Enter key after the shortcut. If you’re using a Mac, you’ll need to use Ctrl+Opt instead of Alt.

J or K: scroll forward (J) and backwards (K) between news stories

P: update your status

L: like or unlike the post you are viewing

C: comment on a post you are viewing

S: share the post you are viewing

O: open the attached news story (read more)

Enter: see more of the selected post

/: opens the search function

Q: search your messenger contacts

Alt+M: New message – compose a new message.

Alt+1: Home page – takes you to your home page.

Alt+2: Your profile page – takes you to your profile page.

Alt+3: Friends – opens up your friends page.

Alt+4: Your messages – opens up the Messages dialog.

Alt+5: Notifications – opens up the Notifications dialog.

Alt+6: Account page – takes you to your account settings.

Alt+7: Privacy – takes you to your activity log and privacy settings.

Alt+8: Facebook’s Facebook page – takes you to the Facebook homepage.

Alt+9: Facebook Terms/Agreement – refresh your knowledge of Facebook terms and conditions.

Alt+0: Facebook help centre – takes you to FAQs section. This is where you can ask Facebook a question about anything ‘Facebook’.

If you ever need to be reminded of these shortcuts, simply hit Shift+/ and the Facebook shortcut menu will appear.

Now you know these handy shortcuts, you can move around Facebook more easily without having to search for menu options within the app itself. And the best part is that you may have more time to get out in the sunshine or read a book using the time you save fumbling through Facebook.

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