Wifi password brings down plane

A passenger setting up a wifi connection on a Turkish Airlines used a ‘provocative’ password that was worrisome enough to cause the plane to make an emergency landing.

Although, it was the location of the airport at which the pilot chose to land the plane may have put the passengers in more danger than the perilous password.

The password in question was ‘bomb on board’, so you can see why the crew panicked somewhat. Why the pilot chose to land at Khartoum Airport in Sudan is another matter.

As reported on eGlobal, according to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: “Reconsider your need to travel to Sudan due to the possibility of violent civil unrest and the threat of terrorist attack.”

Talk about jumping out of the flying pan and into the fire …

The good news is that once the plane was searched, no dangerous items were found and the plane went on to its destinations. The peculiar passenger wasn’t found either.

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