Best big thing

It’s not a real Aussie road trip without at least one big thing. Even though we stuck to roads less travelled most of the way, we still managed to drive past big lobsters, big bananas, big prawns, and all manner of giant cement and fibreglass animals, minerals and vegetables, but was hands-down the most impressive.

You can only see a tiny bit in the above photo, but Mt Augustus is the world’s biggest rock. So how big is it? Would you believe two and a half times bigger than Uluru? You can climb to the top and back in around six hours, but we opted to drive around it. The road that rings its base is 49km long, which gives you an idea of its humungous size.

Never heard of it?  No, me either, until I got there. It’s in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia, between Carnarvon and Meekatharra, and well worth visiting is you’re out that way.





You can follow Lee’s road-tripping adventures at, or order a copy of her new book, The Big Lap, at

RRP: $35

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