Could your caravan help fund your next holiday?

Do you have a caravan or campervan sitting in your driveway or shed doing nothing for much of the year? You may be sitting on a money earner.

Australia embraced the van life during COVID due to travel restrictions.

Jayco executive Scott Jones told The Sydney Morning Herald that the industry experienced a significant increase in sales during and after this period, with a 25 per cent increase in demand. 

“People wanted to get out. They wanted to be in control of who they were in contact with and the destinations they visited,” he said.

“A recreational vehicle was the perfect alternative for them to be able to do that.”   

But all good things must come to an end. Sales have faltered and many people have a massive vehicle sitting in the shed, and quite often it’s not doing what it was designed for. And the glut of similar vehicles on the market is pushing down prices. 

Now a new industry has sprung up around hiring those caravans out. 

Caravan charing platforms

Online sharing platforms claim some owners are making $10,000-$20,000 a year hiring out their caravan or campervan. 

On the flip side, Caravan Trade and Industries Association of Queensland chief executive Jason Plant told the ABC that caravan hire offered a great alternative to people “not ready to jump in and purchase [a caravan]”. 

So what do you need to do to hire out your caravan?

While you can list it yourself, going through a third-party sharing platform is your safest option. They can connect you to willing travellers, and all hirers go through licence and ID checks and provide insurance. Often it is free to list your vehicle, but the site will take a commission on the booking. 

The platform should also manage payments and hold a bond. 

The downside is you have no idea how much experience the driver has had in towing or looking after a van such as setting up. 

However, many people have found hiring out their vehicle pays for their own adventures. 

Bryce Mahony told Camplify that with all the extra money he is earning he’s not only on his way to paying off his van, he can fund repairs and more holidays

“Thanks to all the hires, I haven’t had to use any of my own personal money to fund any repayments, repairs or equipment. I’ve also financed a few of my own camping trips.”

You can also hire a static caravan to platforms such as Airbnb.

It’s slightly different, because your location sets the demand more than the van.

Beachside views will often be booked solid, but a van parked in your driveway and people having to use the inside bathroom may have limited appeal. 

Have you ever rented a caravan? Why not share your experience in the comments section below?

Also read: Caravanning tips and tricks for newbies

Jan Fisher
Jan Fisher
Accomplished journalist, feature writer and sub-editor with impressive knowledge of the retirement landscape, including retirement income, issues that affect Australians planning and living in retirement, and answering YLC members' Age Pension and Centrelink questions. She has also developed a passion for travel and lifestyle writing and is fast becoming a supermarket savings 'guru'.
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