Does PayPass work overseas?


Erin doesn’t want to fuss around with travel cards and foreign currency, so she’s asked if the PayPass (tap-and-go) chip on her credit card will work overseas.


Q. Erin
Instead of having to buy foreign currency and walk around with a pocket full of cash, or picking up one of those cash passports from the post office, I was hoping I could just use the PayPass on my normal bank card. Does it work overseas?


A. It depends on where you’re going. In most countries in the Asia Pacific region, the UK and most of Europe, chipped cards are the norm and you should be able to use the tap payment system. However, although chipped cards are becoming more commonplace in the US, this country is a little backward when it comes to tap-and-go payments and, even if they accept the chipped card (instead of having to swipe, which you may have to do in most places you visit there), you may still have to sign, enter a PIN or hit ‘enter’ to make purchases.


Your best bet is to contact your bank and ask them specifically about the country you’re visiting.


Read more about other travellers’ experience at


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