Government encouraging Aussies to book domestic holidays

The federal government has launched a tourism advertising blitz that it hopes will drive Australians to book domestic holidays and give the struggling tourism industry a much-needed boost.

The $5 million marketing push will inspire Australians to holiday in their home country by highlighting destinations, tourism products and experiences, including areas affected by last summer’s bushfires, across national advertising on TV programs.

Tourism minister Dan Tehan said that the campaign was part of the government’s ongoing support for the industry.

“We want Australians to get excited about holidaying in Australia,” Mr Tehan said. “Our country is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and this year is an opportunity for Australians to discover why.

“This nationwide advertising blitz will inspire Australians to plan and book their next domestic getaway in the weeks and months ahead.

“Domestic tourism is worth $100 billion to the Australian economy and our tourism industry supports more than 621,000 local jobs.

“My message to every Australian is do yourself a favour and start planning your next holiday in Australia because you’ll have the time of your life and you’ll also be supporting a lot of Australian jobs and businesses.”

Tourism Australia managing director Phillipa Harrison said the ‘Holiday Here This Year’ campaign would hopefully encourage more Australians to realise the potential of what was on offer in this country.

“This campaign is all about capitalising on this pent-up demand by providing those people with all the content and inspiration they need to convert this desire and yearning for a holiday into actual bookings,” Ms Harrison said.

“Australians looking for further inspiration to plan their next Australian holiday should visit or talk to their local travel agent.”

Are you planning to travel somewhere in Australia this year? Where are you going?

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.
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