In Trip Advisor we trust


I have to start this article by coming straight out and announcing that I am not Trip Advisor’s biggest fan.

It may be because some of my nearest and dearest constantly refer to it as a site for whiny Americans (or Australians, or anyone, for that matter), but I have grown up with the mentality that the reviews are to be taken with a grain of salt. Plus, it seems unlikely that one would find any groundbreaking discoveries on Trip Advisor.

That said, it was while sitting in bed one night in Bellagio, Italy, that I scrolled across one of the funniest things I have read this year featuring, you guessed it, Trip Advisor.  

For those of you who may have missed it, most likely because you’re happily residing in the most liveable city in the world, earlier this year, Trip Advisor announced that London was ranked number one out of all the travel destinations in the world.

In addition to this prestigious ranking, Trip Advisor is also responsible for some of the times tourists were anything but impressed with London as a travel destination. Reading aloud to my mum what tourists found bitterly disappointing about London’s sights left me with tears streaming down my face – due to laughter. I felt it was only fair to share the hysterical accounts regarding some of the world’s number-one travel destination’s top sights.


1. Big Ben


2. Buckingham Palace


3. The V&A Museum


4. The Shard


5. Madame Tussauds



6. Bethnal Green


7. The Globe



8. Nelson’s Column


9. Nelson’s Column take two


10. Abbey Road



Join in on the tongue-in-cheek fun and tell us about the most disappointing tourist sight that you ever visited. After all, you never know who may find it helpful … or amusing!

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YourLifeChoices Writers
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