Tech to cut airport wait times

A 2018 International Air Transport Association survey revealed that almost six in 10 passengers feel that having to remove personal items from bags is ‘intrusive’, and almost half disliked being asked to remove laptops and large electronic devices from carry-on luggage.

Well, the days of pulling out laptops, tablets, liquids and electronics may be behind travellers moving through Australia’s second busiest airport – Melbourne’s Tullamarine – with new 3D scanners that make this process redundant. And the newly launched ‘smart lanes’ will effectively halve security checkpoint time for travellers.

“Overall, we are seeing a 50 per cent reduction in passenger journey time, down to a little more than a minute,” said Melbourne Airport head of security Scott Dullard.

The new CTiX checkpoints feature “advanced explosives detection” and Computed Tomography (CT) X-ray technology, which provides the highest level of detection – and low false alarm rates – eliminating the need to remove items from bags.

“The new technology allows analysis of 3D images, improving security outcomes by providing security staff with greater detail, and functionality to conduct their assessments,” said Mr Dullard.

“The solution also benefits passengers, as CT allows everything to stay in your bag, including laptops, resulting in a quicker screening process.”

Four new security lanes in Terminal 4 at Melbourne Airport now include the updated carry-on baggage scanners, automated tray return systems and screening management platforms.

Two additional units in T4 and another seven in T2 should be in place in the next two months and the company that developed the systems is working with a number of Australian airports to roll out the new technology.

Do you feel put out having to remove items from your bags? Or do you accept is as part of safer travel?

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