Rules around holiday houses

Evan wants to know if he is allowed to go and live in his holiday house in regional Victoria.


Q. Evan
We are currently part of the Melbourne lockdown and are becoming increasingly concerned about the spiralling coronavirus numbers. Are we allowed to travel to our holiday house on the Bellarine Peninsula to wait things out? What if we self-quarantine inside our holiday house for 14 days?

A. The current lockdown regulations forbid you from travelling to your holiday house and the requirements are quite strict about continuing to reside in your primary residence, even if you plan to self-quarantine.

The reasons for this are simple. The Victorian government does not want to take the chance that people who may have the virus, take it outside of Melbourne or the Mitchell Shire and start spreading it to other regions in the state.

The restrictions mean that if you live in metropolitan Melbourne or the Mitchell Shire you must not leave home unless it is for one of the four reasons (shopping for food or essential items, care or compassionate reasons, exercise or outdoor recreation, and work or study – if you can’t do it from home).

The only acceptable reason to travel to a holiday house is to carry out essential maintenance.

There are many people frustrated by the implications of these measures and their freedom to move between houses, but they are critical to stop the spread of COVID-19 cases to new areas of Victoria.

How have the restrictions in Melbourne affected you? Do you think people should be allowed to move into their holiday houses during lockdown?

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Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking
Ben Hocking is a skilled writer and editor with interests and expertise in politics, government, Centrelink, finance, health, retirement income, superannuation, Wordle and sports.


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