The airport app you need now

Travel is one of life’s major pleasures. Anything to do with airports, not so much. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all got our own fair share of horror stories when it comes to airports. And while they may seem funny now and make great dinner party anecdotes, at the time, the trauma was most likely very real and nowhere near as hilarious.

Thankfully there’s a new app that promises to make airports and flying as stress free as possible. Released last year, FLIO helps you to breeze through airports by focusing on three major pain points.  Firstly, it helps you to get online using free airport wifi instantly. Forget filling out the same tedious forms before you take off and after you land, FLIO saves your details and does it all for you – so you’re connected to the official free wifi before you can say “what’s the wifi…”.

Secondly, it helps you to find what you’re looking for faster. Want to charge your phone? FLIO’s on the case. Need to know where the nearest bathroom is, or the quickest route to your boarding gate? Is it pre-flight wine o’clock? FLIO has the answers to all of these questions and more.

Finally, we all know airports can be ridiculously expensive places. You’re quite literally trapped inside with little choice but to pay $5 for a bottle of water or, even worse, a barely passable excuse for a cup of coffee. With the FLIO app, users receive exclusive discounts on food, drink, duty-free shopping and more. Maybe you can have two glasses of well-deserved wine now!

Working in all major airports, FLIO is a free app and an absolute no-brainer to download before you next approach an airport. Who knows, maybe airports will even become as enjoyable as the rest of your trip.

RRP: Free – available for download from the Apple App Store and Google play.

Find out more at

SJ is a regular travel contributor to YourLifeChoices, and if she had one superpower, it would be teleportation – the ultimate cure for her fear of flying.




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