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The best time to fly

Travel is fun, until you’re stuck in an airport waiting seemingly endless hours for delayed or eventually cancelled flights.

But there is a way to radically lower your risk of experiencing these frustrating delays: catch an early flight.

According to research from FiveThirtyEight, an early flight is less likely to be delayed or cancelled. The data reveals that it’s best to leave before 8am. After that, delay times worsen and peak at around 6pm.

An article on Forbes explains how air traffic is less congested in the mornings, so planes have more ‘airspace’ and air traffic controllers are less likely to have to delayed departures and landings.

Early morning flights are also less prone to turbulence, says the National Severe Storms Laboratory, and airports are relatively less crowded in the morning hours and, according to FareCompare, airlines usually sell their first flight of the morning cheaper than those later in the day.

Seems an ideal formula for hassle-free, cheap flight to me!

Read more at T&L.

At what time do you typically book your flights?

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