The best upcoming virtual events

While we all do our part to ease the spread of COVID-19 and stay at home self-isolating, cogs are turning in the music and entertainment industries to keep us in the loop.

The new restrictions have meant the cancelling of countless concerts, shows and events. While this may be a huge drag for us, it also means some of our favourite artists and musicians are now out of work.

Luckily, with modern technology, innovation and, let’s face it, a lot of spare time stuck at home, artists and organisations are coming together to keep us entertained and the industry alive.

Biennale of Sydney
The Biennale of Sydney is a non-profit organisation that exhibits Australia’s largest contemporary visual art event. This three-month exhibition is only held every two years. 

As of the 25 March, the Biennale of Sydney is closed. But art lovers don’t need to weep just yet. The biennale has moved to a digital program on the Google Arts & Culture platform. Here, you’ll find live content, podcasts, virtual walk-throughs, curated tours, artist takeovers and even interactive Q&As.

You can access the digital gallery here.

Together At Home
The World Health Organisation and Global Citizen have launched a series of virtual concerts where artists stream their live performances on Instagram. Frontmen from Barenaked Ladies, Coldplay, the Lumineers, Vance Joy and many more have already made an appearance.

To see what performances are coming up, follow #TogetherAtHome on Instagram or visit The Global Citizen website for updates. 

Innocent Bystander live cellar door tastings
Wine lovers fear not, the team at Innocent Bystanders share your passion and have created a virtual tasting just for you. Margaret, the resident sommelier, will be hosting a live tasting on Facebook. She will provide face-to-face tasting notes, comparisons with other regions and food pairings.

If you’re interested in the world of wine, go onto the Innocent Bystander Facebook page to watch one of the weekly streams.

Friday 27 March at 5pm – Perusing Pinot Noir
Friday 3 April at 5pm – The Greatness of Pinot Gris
Friday 10 April at 5pm – Talking Tempranillo
Friday 17 April at 5pm – Sipping Syrah
Friday 24 April at 5pm – Gabbin’ about Gamay
Friday 1 May at 5pm – Chatting Chardonnay 

If you want to taste the wine alongside Margaret, you can order these wines online.

The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
If you’ve always wanted to see them play live, you now can. The only difference is that it will be streamed to the MSO YouTube Channel while the concert hall is closed. 

Virtual Cinematheque
The 2020 Melbourne Cinémathèque program has been cancelled – a moment of silence please. But don’t worry, Virtual Cinémathèque will run in its place.

Alongside ACMI’s Film Department, the Melbourne Cinémathèque committee has chosen an array of new and old films that will be streamed, free, every Wednesday night.

On Tuesdays, ACMI will release details for the week’s Melbourne Cinémathèque stream on their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds.

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.
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