Public transport app for travelling

While it’s easy to whinge about public transport, it can be one of the best ways to get around a foreign city. Not only is it cheaper than catching taxis or ubers all the time, but it also gives you a much better idea of how the locals live.

However, when trying to actually catch said public transport, problems can arise when working out where to get on and off, and the timing of your journey. Thankfully there’s an app that can help you with that.

Moovit is a free, local transport planner. It’s your guide to mastering public transport, featuring live arrival and departure times, local station maps, updated line schedules and service alerts that are relevant to your trip. With options to search the best routes to a certain destination, see what’s nearby your current location and view details for your ETA and trip history, it’s really got you covered.

Perhaps the most impressive feature though, is its use of people power. Starting with schedule-based information from local transport agencies, it builds on this by adding real-time data from other commuters en route. You can help to improve everyone’s ride by reporting useful information about how crowded a service is, or if it’s delayed or there’s been some incident on your journey. Likewise, you’ll receive notifications about situations affecting your commute, thanks to other riders.

With the foresight we all wish we had when it comes to commuting and public transport, Moovit is a universal app already available in over 60 countries and 800 cities including Australia. With 30 million users, Moovit may be onto something …

Find out more at Moovit

RRP: Free from the App Store and Google Play.

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SJ is a regular travel contributor to YourLifeChoices. Her required holiday reading is Collective magazine, a great new fiction novel or a personal development book. Unlike photos, she feels you can never be over-developed.

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