Stay like a student and save

Holiday accommodation in and around Australia’s main cities can make a short-stay unaffordable. However, there is a way to stay in some countries’ ‘smartest’ buildings for much less than your average B&B.

Some of the most impressive university buildings you’ll ever clap eyes on are almost student-free over the term breaks, so the opportunity to stay on campus opens up to travellers looking for affordable accommodation. Imagine being able to stay in the same rooms as some of Australia’s brightest talent? While there’s no promise the super-smarts of students will rub off on you, you will get the chance to experience a little of what it’s like to enjoy the academic environment. 

Within Australia, you can easily arrange accommodation at St John’s College within the University of Sydney, Yarra House in Melbourne and the University of Canberra Village, to name just a few.

And if you’re looking to head further afield, you can spend a night in the magnificent Keble College in Oxford, UK, or how about a few days at Lavel University in Quebec, Canada?

You can even make your travel budget go much further in Rome – no mean feat – by staying at Rome University residences.

Of course, it’s worth keeping in mind that, even though the buildings may be pretty special or historic, the accommodation is likely to be basic – but clean.

Have you ever stayed in university accommodation as a non-student? Would you recommend the experience?

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