Travel tip most people don’t know

Quora is a treasure trove of travel tips and tid-bits from those in the know. It’s a forum site where flight attendants, pilots, airline workers and frequent flyers often join in and have their say on all things good and bad about travel.

I was trawling through the forums the other day and came across this superb travel tip under the forum question ‘What are some travel hacks most people don’t know?

The reply to this question was from a former US foreign service officer at US Department of State, Kathryn Berck.

“The advice (not hack) that is most effective but that far too few use to make every air journey better is: take off your coat before you enter the plane, get on, wait patiently until the crowd in the aisle carries you to your seat, put your small carry-on and your rolled-up-tightly coat in the [overhead] bin or under the seat in front of you, sit down, and be civil and quiet until you get where you’re going,” wrote Ms Berck.

“Keep telling yourself that you are just cargo, and behave like cargo. Drink what you’re given, if anything; eat what you’re given, if anything.

“When time comes to get off, be prepared to step into the aisle with your coat and carry-on neatly in hand and causing no delay as soon as there is an opening. Get all the way off the plane, down the tube or whatever, into the terminal and well off to one side before you begin to fuss with your coat or carryon.

“Then, head for daylight.”

Priceless advice. Certainly worth considering, or at least worth a chuckle.

Do you think she’s on point?

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