Alone for Christmas

Not everyone has family and friends with whom to share the holiday season, sometimes through choice, sometimes not. However, there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself busy.

Consider volunteering
There are many organisations which are inundated with people looking for help over Christmas and New Year. An extra pair of hands can make all the difference to such groups struggling to cope with an increased burden.  Why not contact your favourite charitable organisation to see if it needs some extra help? Or visit Volunteering Australia for more information.

Take a trip
Even if money is tight, there are always opportunities available to get away for a few nights. Youth hostels are not just for young people, they welcome guests of any age and are great places to meet new and interesting people. To find out more about youth hostels, visit Youth Hostels Australia.

Virtual communication
Thanks to the growing means of communication, the world is getting smaller every day. If you can’t be with family and friends for the holiday season, keep in touch by Skype, email, Facebook or any of the other online communication tools. If you’re not sure how to get started, read our article, Connection through Communication.

Make new friends
You can alway try making new friends online or join a forum to have a ‘virtual’ chat with others. YourLifeChoices Meeting Place has many different topics on which you can comment. 

Do you have any suggestions for our members?

Related articles:
Solo Travellers Club 
The empty chair at Christmas 


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