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Why airfare prices soar during footy finals

Anyone who's tried to book a flight during footy finals can tell you it's an expensive endeavour. But is it just a matter of price gouging?


Can you have a cheap cruising holiday?

Cruising is an insanely popular holiday choice in Australia.  With 1.34 million passenger trips for the 2022-23 year, we are the fourth biggest market behind...

Fire and ice are reshaping Iceland – but this is why you should still go

The sky burned crimson as flames licked the horizon. While wildfires wreak havoc in other parts of the planet, the infernos engulfing parts of...
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Australia’s gambling losses top $32 billion

Figures compiled by the Queensland Treasury show national gambling losses were more than $32 billion for 2022/23.

How to get the new iPhone 16 at a bargain price

This week we’ll show you how to get more through More! Current deals from More mobile could save you every single month.

Tech and Gadgets

Victorian households are poorly prepared for heatwaves

For some Victorian households summer heat is an extended disruption to their lives, for which they have limited capacity to adapt and respond.
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Health & Wellness

Are home care wait list times being fudged?

Estimates that older Australians are waiting nine to 12 months for home care are misleading, according to an Anglicare Australia report. It says federal...

Do you have a cold, the flu or COVID?

There's a lot of illness going around at the moment, but how can you tell if your sniffles are a cold, the flu or COVID?

14 dementia risk factors you need to watch for

With the number of dementia cases set to triple in Australia by 2050, these are the 14 dementia risk factors experts say you need to monitor.

Catching up on lost sleep may lower heart disease risk by 20%

People who 'catch up' on lost sleep at weekends may potentially lower their risk of heart disease by up to 20 per cent, research...

Our ambulance ramping crisis

Early last Sunday morning, at around 6am, a man was found dead by ambulance officers in a Melbourne suburb. As tragic as that was,...