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Is it bad to keep snoozing your alarm?

It's tempting to hit the snooze button when your alarm goes off each morning, but what impact does that have on your health?


Unplug and unwind: Australia’s latest tiny house stays

Characterised by their minimalist footprint and close connection to nature, tiny houses offer an opportunity to ‘treecharge’ in comfort. From locations nestled deep in...

Where to discover the surprising charms of Hawai’i

Floating in the Pacific Ocean below a sky of glittering stars, I watch in amazement as several majestic creatures move below me, navigating the...
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Skimming fraud skyrockets

Having milk skimmed might be acceptable to some, but nobody wants their cards skimmed. Yet the latest research reveals that one in six Australians...

‘Shrinkflation’ is next government target to protect supermarket shoppers

Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra The Albanese government will tackle “shrinkflation” in supermarkets and potentially other parts of the retail sector. This is where the product’s...

Tech and Gadgets

Best internet plans for seniors

Whether you're streaming 4K movies or just making the occasional video call to the grandkids, these are the best internet deals for seniors.
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Health & Wellness

Offering end of life support is important – but challenges remain

As part of the recent aged care reforms, older Australians will be eligible for $25,000 worth of palliative support when they have three months or less left to live.

Why alcohol is so damaging as we age

It’s hard to escape the drinking culture in Australia. Almost every achievement, significant event and even days in the week are celebrated with a...

Why are specialist doctors’ fees so high?

In many cases, patients are unable to shop around or make informed decisions about their care due to a lack of information about the true cost and quality of services.

This is how much sleep adults need per age group

While adults generally need around seven to nine hours of sleep per night at any age, each stage of life comes with its own...

New blood tests predict heart disease decades ahead

Blood tests have come a long way and continue to evolve. Now researchers have found one which could predict heart disease 30 years ahead.