Don’t use airport charging hubs

Many of us spend time during layovers or before flights hunting down charging ports to get our phone batteries back up before a long flight. But many people overlook the fact that USB ports can be used to pass data, not just power.

They can be modified by cybercriminals, so that USB port users have malware installed on their phones, allowing them access to your personal information, accounts and files.

To avoid this risk, bring either a portable charger, a normal connector that will plug into a wall socket or invest in the Juice-Jack Defender.  

This small and portable device attaches to the end of your charger and guarantees 100 per cent same charging. It prevents data transfer into and out of your device, blocking malware, ransomware, infections and identity thieves. All this while still allowing current through to charge your phone.

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Liv Gardiner
Liv Gardiner
Writer and editor with interests in travel, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, astrology and the enivornment.


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